Saturday, July 02, 2005

Genting again!

Went to Genting again...this time thanks to Foot Seng's free room.
Took this at the Skyway Bus Terminal.

View from the cable car.


We had dinner at Pizza Hut.

Foot Seng's Pizza with lots of cheese powder.

Lai Yee and Min Choo.

The only group picture that we have..but Kai Shing is hidden behind Foot Seng's head.

Min Choo and Lai Yee.

Taken in the First World Plaza.

Highlands Hotel.

Common Name: Giant Black Stag Beetle

Scientific Name: Dorcus titanus

Family: Lucanidae

Origin: Malaysia

Notes: Stag beetles, family Lucanidae, are found worldwide but are most abundant in the tropics. These beetles can be told apart from other beetles in possessing large mandibles in the males and having elbowed antennae. Adults are found feeding on sap and rotting fruit. The larvae are grubs that develop in rotting logs. Adults of most species are capable of inflicting a painful bite if a finger is accidentally placed in their mouth but are considered harmless. Stag beetles are highly prized by collectors and in Japan are kept as pets.

We drank and gambled.


Min Choo

Took this before we headed back to KL.

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