A visit to my old school.
St John's Institution my alma mater.
It is exactly one hundred years ago when Bro. Julian Francis, Bro. Andrew Corsini and Bro. Alexander first found their way up what must have been then a rather wild and forbidding Bukit Nanas. On the 18th January 1904 St. John’s Institution was born when 40 pupils in three small classrooms completed the roll of SJI.
Great enterprises always had humble beginnings. Among the many splendid educational institutions in our fair land of Malaysia, there are not many which can look back over one hundred years of continuous, dedicated, service to the youth of our nation.
The La Salle Brothers and their teachers believed that the school should always have as its aim that the young man leaves it as a harmonious personality not as a specialist. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling for values. He must acquire a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good.
This essentially is what the La Salle Brothers and their teachers have imbued on the thousands upon thousands of Johannians over the last 100 years. This is the type of holistic education that distinguishes St. John’s Institution from others. We have received the best of the best.
Considering the fruits culled in all these years of effort, the picture is very satisfying. Many scores of past pupils of St. John’s today give useful and enlightened service to the community in general following the training given by the Brothers and teachers.
There are Johannians in all walks of life. Many of its past pupils prominent in the learned professions, Government service and the commercial world. Just to name a few beginning with Royalty, the Sultan of Selangor; the Raja Muda of Perak Dr. Raja Nazrin ibni Sultan Azlan Shah; we are proud to have the number two in the country in YAB Dato Sri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia; Datuk Hishamuddin bin Tun Hussein Onn the Minister of Youth and Sport.
Only two Malaysians had reached the summit of Mt. Everest and one of them is Johannian N. Mohanadas. In every field there are outstanding Johannians, be it in the professions, sports, theatre and the arts.
The Johannian spirit lives on and we pray it will continue to guide the destinies of St. John’s Institution and will inspire the future generations of Johannians as it has guided and inspired those of the past.
On this auspicious occasion of the one hundredth anniversary we have the opportunity and the happy duty of saluting and thanking all who have contributed towards making St. John’s Institution what it is, of venerating the memory of our inspired predecessors.
St John and the St John Cadet Band.
More info in http://www.sji.edu.my .