Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I have been sick for the past few days...it has been a very long time since the last time i really fall sick...it started with fever...then bad sore throat...it was really bad till i have to see doctor...paid RM32 for the erythromycin (antibiotics)..all the others medication given by the doctor i could get it in pharmacy...surely it will be cheaper than that...but what to do....aiihh...lots of people around me fall sick too....so many people coughing during lecture...i guess i have to start taking care of myself well...

I guess i will be very busy starting from now...there are tests coming soon and lots of assignment to hand in...hehehe....i hope i can manage...i will try and i will do my best.....

Can we survive?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Extemporaneous Dispensing Lab - Suspension

Extemporaneous Dispensing allows us to make some simple medication. This time we have the chance to make some suspension. Suspension is a dosage form in which the solid particles are suspended in the liquid phase. Most simple and common example of suspension is Callamine Lotion, which i will be making....

The callamine powders added bit by bit into the chlorofom water.

The suspension of callamine. Its so smooth and nice!

We made three products. Callamine lotion, Magnesium trisilicate mixture and Kaolin mixture.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab - Thin Layer Chromatography

We did this chromatography lab session on the 28 July 2005...

Chromatography is a method of separation in which the components to be separated are distributed between two phases, the stationary and the mobile phase.

First, we are given a Chromatogram sheet (20 x 20 cm).

These are the two types of developing chamber that we are using. Both containing developing solvent which is propanol : water (70 : 30 v/v). The solvent is made sure to be in a saturated condition by applying filter paper on the sides of the chamber (done by the lab assistant).

We are doing chromatography on two substance, amino acids and colour dyes. The colour dyes were spotted on the chromatogram sheet.

This is how the spots of different dyes look like.

The chromatogram sheet is developing in the chamber.

Hairdryer is used to evaporate the solvent.

Finally its done! I would say its not a very good separation. =p

For the amino acids compounds, Ninhydrin sprays is used to make the compound visible. Amino acids is not visible in the chromatogram sheet.

Separation of amino acids.